On-line training

Voluntary Sector Advisers

Be ready for clients with tax problems

With the closure of HM Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC) public enquiry centres and the launch of their nationwide telephony and mobile face-to-face service for those who “need extra support” in dealing with their tax affairs, some people may come to you for face to face help with tax issues.

Taxpayers and Tax Credit claimants may contact Citizens Advice and other advice providers as a first port of call, so it is critical that front-line advisers know how and where to signpost clients. There is a risk of people incurring unnecessary penalties and wasting appeal opportunities – so it is essential to get it right! Signposting, together with contact numbers for HMRC, is explained on the Voluntary and Community Sector Guidance page.

TaxAid’s training film is here to explain and illustrate how to recognise which clients can be helped by HMRC, and who require input from TaxAid – primarily those needing calculations, independent advice or help during a dispute with HMRC .

Can HMRC help?

Know when is best to send a client to HMRC, and be aware of the services they provide.

Can HMRC help? film

Can the two tax charities help?

When is it necessary to send a client to TaxAid or Tax Help For Older People? Find out here.

Can the two charities help? film