Tax Stories

Working under Bridge the Gap, TaxAid and Tax Help for Older People have worked to put together this digital collection of tax stories. We have done this to tell the stories of the people that we help and demonstrate the staggering effect tax advice can have on the lives of people in poverty.

Inside ‘Tax Stories’ we tell the story of Barbara, a pensioner living on an annual income of just £3,000 a year. She had little understanding of the tax system and would not draw her pension because she thought she would be imprisoned for not filing self-assessment tax returns.

We also tell the story of Tony, a retired veteran, who received a £20,000 tax bill after he was scammed out of his pension.

The lives of the people who come to us for tax support are often complicated. The reasons why they need our support are varied. The work that the tax charities do can help to give people in vulnerable positions a lifeline when they truly need it.

This entry was posted on Friday, November 26th, 2021 at 10:06 am and is filed under Case Studies, Tax Blog. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.