Do I need to complete a Self Assessment tax return?

A simple guide to common tax problems

Why I might need to complete a self-assessment tax return

Here are some of the reasons you may need to complete a tax return:

  • You are an employee but want to claim tax relief on expenses of more than £2,500  per year
  • You let property or a room in your home and receive income from renting (above certain limits each year)
  • You have taxable foreign income from overseas savings, investments, pensions or employment
  • You are self employed and have an income of more than  £1,000 per year, this includes any money you earn at the weekend cash in hand.
  • You are an employee but didn’t pay the correct amount of tax through your tax code
  • You are not a UK resident but receive property income in the UK
  • You have income from savings and investments of more than £10,000
  • You work in a business as a partner
  • You or your partner receive child benefit and your income is over £50,000

But, even if none of the above applies to you if HMRC has sent you a letter stating you need to complete your self-assessment you may still need to complete it. If this is the case you should contact HMRC to find out why they sent you this return.